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It doesn't work on mac os. Opened as admin but nothing

What mac are you using? An Intel Mac? An apple silicon mac? And what os version? Are there any error logs if you run it via terminal?

I'm on an intel macbook air 2020 running macos 12.5

I don't know how to run it via terminel :/

I am also having this issue.

looks great! Can you tell when we can expect to work with models different from picocad?

Currently this tool only works for picoCAD models. If you’re trying to paint/texture other 3D models I recommend blender, substance painter, or zbrush!

i'm too stupid for blender.

but i guess i could import the models into picocad, ecport them as such, use your painter and repeat the process backwards

picoCAD has a complexity limit so if your models are complicated they won’t work correctly. The nice thing about blender is that it’s free so there’s no harm trying. Find a tutorial on just texture painting a similar object to what you want and watch it once and then follow it completely.

thank you for your advice!

i tried blender but i'm kind of overwhelmed with the huge amount of options, which makes it complex/confusing for me. one wrong click somewhere and everything messes up later.