A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

This is an infinite clicker game with an infinite number of purchases and an infinite number of achievements! Utilizing procedural generation to make "beautiful" art assets and incredible names for each of the purchasable items, there's really no reason to ever stop playing this game!

The game saves upon quit and upon loss of focus (if you alt-tab on windows for instance), so you should never loose your progress!

Made entirely by Jordan Faas-Bush

All joking aside, this is my game for February 2018's One-Game-A-Month. I've been working on a different game, but I want to keep working and polishing it more (possibly I'll release it as March's game), so I made this side project game as my monthly game. Consequently it's not as amazing as I'd like, but I'm still pretty happy with it and I learned a lot about UI and some more about serializing game state.


InfiniteClicker Windows 13 MB
InfiniteClicker Mac 16 MB
InfiniteClicker Linux 16 MB